Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Kid's need healthy juices too!

Here's the latest juice I've been making for my daughter.  I switch it up just a little every now and then.  I first started with just green apples and carrots for quite some time.  But lately I've been getting bolder.  Adding vegetables like kale, romaine and even broccoli.  Little by little and just a little at a time.  To get her a larger range of nutrients.  I love Today I ate a Rainbow ( and Bunny loves to count how many fruits and vegetables she's accomplished in a day.   And you better believe I do too.

Bunny's Bright-Eyed Juice
(this juice makes about 3- 4oz cups)

2 organic romaine leaves
1organic broccoli stalk
1 organic orange
1 organic green apple
3-4 organic carrots

 The Orange is doing all the work in masking the taste of the romaine and broccoli.  Although green apples are not as high in sugars as other ones it gives it a nice tart taste.  Almost as if I had used a lemon.  But I know the lemon would have been a bit much for her.Carrots are also sweet and help too.  She drinks this up.  As long as it doesn't taste bitter and it still has a sweet taste she is good to go.  Now don't get me wrong.  She's not jumping for joy when it's time to drink her "juice"  but she drinks it and doesn't complain.  And that's all I really need isn't it?  Healthy Bunny girl in the making.


  1. This is great! I starting juicing when I was pregnant with Rebekah. I juiced for her as a baby when her body was ready. BUT :( I can no longer get her to eat veges or fruit. Only Motts no sugar added fruit cups :( I periodically try, she is getting better with her willingness to "try".. but I still get the same outcome. Where do you purchase your organic fruits and veges?

    1. Thanks! Bunny wasn't into it at first. But going with us to the farm and helping pick out the fruits and veggies and then helping me juice them sometimes, kinda made it easier. Start with just fruits, apples, orange, strawberries, etc. The first veggie I snuck in there was carrots. Definitely check out Today I ate a rainbow. It's to get kids to eat more fruits and veggies in a fun way. I didn't buy the kit but the website is full of information and they have a facebook page as well. The farm we go to is Blooming Hill Farm in Blooming Grove, Right off 208(go to my Eat Here tab on top, there's a link there for them). They also make an amazing lunch and baked items. They are organic and local. So no spraying pesticides. :) Thanks for checking out my blog ;) Jules.

  2. You know, having a juicing sister and a good enough juicer in my kitchen cabinet, I hadn't thought about juicing for Julian! I eat veggies once in a while, but try to feed him daily and even have to hide it in his food sometimes, so I was running out of tricks...this will surely work. Remind me again how much worse is regular vs. organic...Bronx supermarkets aren't up to speed:) Gracias!

    1. Yes getting in the veggies that way is great! Even if you are just juicing apples and carrots for awhile. There are some fruits and vegetables that you can get that aren't organic and there are some that you should never get unless they are. I will post the dirty dozen and the clean fifteen for you. I know organic can be so pricey compared to the conventional produce. But the difference is huge sometimes. Also with organic the soil is so rich in nutrients that the vegetables have more nutritional value and taste! I will make my next post about these.

    2. You know veggies is so hard to feed my family. The worst. Even My husband. I on the other hand love them and in all types of ways. I even have bought the Adam & Eve Veg/Fruit juice. Ugh it stays in the fridge forever!! I might just have to do this and make it mandatory like father did to us as kids. Thank you.

  3. I know it isn't easy. Sometimes I really can't believe how far we've come. Baby steps is the key. Just try fruits to begin with! Apples, Oranges, and throw some carrots which are sweet too. Let me know how it goes!
